Chinatakes a bite out of Apple: State media calls iPhone threatto national security over its tracking capabilities.中國嘴巴了蘋果一口:國家媒體說道iPhone的跟蹤能力“對國家安全性導致威脅”。Chinatakes a bite out of Apple: State media calls iPhone threatto national security over its tracking capabilities.中國嘴巴了蘋果一口:國家媒體說道iPhone的跟蹤能力“對國家安全性導致威脅”。Chinese state media on Friday brandedApples iPhone a threat to national security because ofthe smartphones ability to track and time-stamp user locations.中國國家媒體周五稱之為蘋果iPhone是國家安全性威脅,因為這種智能手機可以對用戶的地點展開跟蹤和展開時間標記。
A report by broadcaster CCTV criticized theiPhones Frequent Locations function for allowing users to be tracked andinformation about them revealed.中央電視臺的一篇報導中抨擊了iPhone的“經常去地點”功能,該功能可追蹤用戶并顯露出涉及內容。This is extremely sensitive data, said a researcher interviewed by thebroadcaster.“這些是十分脆弱的數據,”一名拒絕接受該電視臺專訪的研究人員說道。If the data were accessed, it could revealan entire countrys economic situation and even state secrets,the researchersaid.這名研究人員說道,如果這些數據被提供,有可能曝露整個國家的經濟狀況,甚至是國家機密。
Apple was not available for immediatecomment.沒有能聯系到蘋果公司對此事的觀點。Apple has frequently come under fire fromChinese state media, which accused the company of providing user data to U.S.intelligence agencies and have called for severe punishment.蘋果公司常常遭到中國國家媒體的抨擊,譴責該公司把用戶數據獲取給美國情報機構,并敦促對蘋果公司展開“嚴苛的懲罰”。
It has also been criticized for poorcustomer service.蘋果還因佳的售后服務而受到抨擊。The California-based company is not the only U.S. firm to suffer from Chinesemedia ire.這家加州公司并非唯一一家受到中國媒體譴責的美國公司。Google services have been disrupted in Chinafor over a month, while the central government procurement office has bannednew government computers from using Microsofts Windows 8 operating system.谷歌在中國的服務早已被終止了一個多月,而中央政府訂購辦公室早已公布禁令拒絕政府新的訂購的電腦中暫停加裝微軟公司的W8操作系統。Other U.S. hardware firmssuch as Cisco and IBM have experienced a backlash in Chinafrom what analysts and companies have termed the Snowden Effect, after U.S.spying revelations released last year by former U.S. National Security Agencycontractor Edward Snowden.其他的硬件公司比如思科和IBM在中國都經歷過波折,分析者和企業將其稱作“斯諾登效應”。